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Our Money Groups and Classes are a Unique Experience to help you find and embody a healthy connection to money...

What does a healthy connection and relationship to Money mean? Money is a powerful and important force in this world. Creating a healthy relationship to money and your financial life is a part of being able to fulfill your true purpose. The thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors about money can unconsciously impact decisions both personally and professionally that can either support your purpose, or derail you. Learn more about money from a ‘soul’ perspective. The classes and workshops are not about how to manage money or make a budget, but rather to understand the past, present, and future from a deeper psych0-spiritual perspective.

Description of a Recent 8-week Money Group
Our culture is hyper-focused on money; especially how to make and consume more.   Since money is a form of energy that we each have a unique relationship with that is based on our own past history and beliefs that are formed out of that.  If we do not understand our own relationship with money, than it will rule us.
We will explore:

  • How underlying beliefs about money influence our lives
  • Past experiences and how they have shaped current beliefs
  • Money patterns formed by social, cultural, and familial influences that keep you stuck from moving forward in life
  • Use a heart-centered approach to money and finances